Arthur van der Wees

Short Bio
Arthur studied and obtained his doctorate degree in business law at Leiden University. He is managing director of ALBV, an international law firm. Arthur is a senior lawyer, standardization expert, entrepreneur, strategist, technologist, investor and frequent speaker worldwide, who has in depth experience and is well-connected in the world of technology, data & global business. Arthur is a Chair of the Policy Group (WG4) and Security in IoT & Privacy in IoT Taskforce Leader of AIOTI Standardization Working Group (WG3) and a Member of the European AI Alliance.
Arthur’s Legal is responsible for coordinating the activities to be performed under Task 4.2 by focusing on the key aspects of privacy and security of legal relevance linked to the project’s scope and objectives identified. Arthur’s Legal is both, one of the main contributors as well as co-editor, to the Cybersecurity Roadmap for Europe under Task 4.4. Pursuant to Task 6.4, Arthur’s Legal has brought the Data Management Plan (DMP) to the next level, beyond the traditional DMP notion in H2020 projects. Arthur is the Chairman of the Ethics Advisory Board as well as the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of CONCORDIA.