Cybersecurity Research
Publications | |
D-Score: An Expert-Based Method for Assessing the Detectability of IoT-Related Cyber-Attacks, Yair Meidan, Daniel Benatar, Ron Bitton, Dan Avraham, Asaf Shabtai: Computers & Security, Volume 126, March 2023 | |
Safe Reinforcement Learning using Data-Driven Predictive Control, Mahmoud Selim, Amr Alanwar, M Watheq El-Kharashi, Hazem M Abbas, Karl H Johansson: International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications, 27 – 29 December, 2022 |
Practical Evaluation of Poisoning Attacks on Online Anomaly Detectors in Industrial Control Systems, Moshe Kravchik, Luca Demetrio, Battista Biggio, Asaf Shabtai: Computers & Security, Volume 122, November 2022 | |
Robust Data-driven Predictive Control Using Reachability Analysis, Amr Alanwar, Yvonne Sturz, Karl H Johansson: European Journal of Control, Volume 68, November 2022 | |
AC-SIF: ACE Access Control for Standardized Secure IoT Firmware Updates, Joel Höglund, Anum Khurshid, Shahid Raza: SECURWARE 2022, 16 – 20 Occtober 2022 | |
High-Level Synthesis design approach for Number-Theoretic Multiplier, Alexander El-Kady, Apostolos P. Fournaris, Evangelos Haleplidis, Vassilis Paliouras: 2022 IFIP/IEEE 30th International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), 3 – 5 October 2022 | |
Efficient abac based information sharing within mqtt environments under emergencies, Pietro Colombo, Elena Ferrari, and Engin Deniz Tu ̈mer: Computer & Security, Volume 120, September 2022 | |
ICN With DHT Support in Mobile Networks, Eryk Schiller, Timo Surbeck, Mikael Gasparyan, Burkhard Stiller, Torsten Braun: LCN’22 IEEE, 26 – 29 September 2022 | |
IoT device identification based on network communication analysis using deep learning, Jaidip Kotakm Yuval Elovici: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 26 September 2022 | |
IoT-Based Access Management Supported by AI and Blockchains, Eryk Schiller, Elfat Esati, Burkhard Stiller: Electronics (2079-9292), 19 September 2022 | |
TANTRA: Timing-Based Adversarial Network Traffic Reshaping Attack, Yam Sharon, David Berend, Yang Liu, Asaf Shabtai, Yuval Elovici: Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 24 August 2022 | |
CADeSH: Collaborative Anomaly Detection for Smart Homes, Yair Meidan, Dan Avraham, Hanan Libhaber, Asaf Shabtai: Internet of Things Journal, 28 July 2022 | |
Data-driven set-based estimation using matrix zonotopes with set containment guarantees, Amr Alanwar, Alexander Berndt, Karl Henrik Johansson, Henrik Sandberg: European Control Conference (ECC), 12 – 15 July 2022 | |
Data-driven Set-based Estimation of Polynomial Systems with Application to SIR Epidemics, Amr Alanwar, Muhammad Umar B Niazi, Karl H Johansson: European Control Conference (ECC), 12 – 15 July 2022 | |
Security Assurance in Modern IoT Systems, Nicola Bena, Ruslan Bondaruc, Antongiacomo Polimeno: 95th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2022-Spring (IEEE VTC2022-Spring), workshop: 4th Workshop on Connected Intelligence for IoT and Industrial IoT Applications (C3IA), 19 -22 June 2022 | |
Scheduling Machine Learning Inference on CPU-GPU Integrated Architectures, Rafail Tsirbas, Giorgos Vasiliadis, Sotiris Ioannidis: 2022 Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop, 2 June 2022 | |
TEE-Watchdog: Mitigating Unauthorized Activities within Trusted Execution Environments in ARM-Based Low-Power IoT Devices, Anum Khurshid, Sileshi Demesie Yalew, Mudassar Aslam, Shahid Raza: Security and Communication Networks, 25 May 2022 | |
Landscape of IoT security, Eryk Schiller, Andy Aidoo, Jara Fuhrer, Jonathan Stahl, Michael Ziörjen, Burkhard Stiller: Computer Science Review (1574-0137), Volume 44, May 2022 | |
Toward a Live BBU Container Migration in Wireless Networks, Eryk Schiller, Jesutofunmi Ajayi, Silas Weber, Torsten Braun, Burkhard Stiller: Open Journal of the Communications Society, 10 February 2022 | |
Python-Based TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Networks, Eryk Schiller, Ramon Huber, Burkhard Stiller: Electronics (2079-9292), 5 February 2022 | |
Fair and accurate age prediction using distribution aware data curation and augmentation, Cao, Y., Berend, D., Tolmach, P., Levy, M., Amit, G., Liu, Y., Shabtai A., and Elovici Y.: 2022 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 4-8 January 2022 | |
ShieLD: Shielding Cross-zone Communication within Limited-resourced IoT Devices running Vulnerable Software Stack, Anum Khurshid, Sileshi Demesie Yalew, Mudassar Aslam, Shahid Raza: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 1 February 2022 | |
Towards an Assurance Framework for Edge and IoT Systems, Marco Anisetti, Claudio Ardagna, Nicola Bena, Ruslan Bondaruc: IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing 2021 (EDGE 2021), 18-20 December 2021 | |
Fault-Enabled Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks on Kyber, Julius Hermelink, Peter Pessl, and Thomas Poeppelmann: 22nd International Conference on Cryptology in India, 13-15 December 2021 | |
Security and Standardization of a Notary-based Blockchain Interoperability API, Eder John Scheid, Pascal Kiechl, Muriel Franco, Bruno Rodrigues, Christian Killer, Burkhard Stiller: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2021), 15-17 November 2021 |
Publications | |
Event-Flow Correlation for Anomaly Detection in HTTP/3 Web Traffic, Stanislav Špaček, Petr Velan, Martin Holkovič and Tomáš Plesník: NOMS 2023 – IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, February 2023 | |
VeNiCE: Enabling Automatic VNF Management based on Smart Contract Events, Eder J. Scheid, Muriel F. Franco, Fabian Kuffer, Niels Kubler, Pascal Kiechl, Burkhard Stiller: 47th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2022), 26-29 September 2022 | |
Current Challenges of Cyber Threat and Vulnerability Identification Using Public Enumerations, Lukáš Sadlek, Pavel Čeleda, Daniel Tovarňák: The 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2022), 23-26 August 2022 | |
Ethereum’s Peer-to-Peer Network Monitoring and Sybil Attack Prevention, Jean-Philippe Eisenbarth, Thibault Cholez, Olivier Perrin: Journal of Network and Systems Management, 29 July 2022 | |
Network Intrusion Detection in Encrypted Traffic, Eva Papadogiannaki, Giorgos Tsirantonakis, Sotiris Ioannidis: IEEE DSC 2022, 22 – 24 June 2022 | |
Identification of Attack Paths Using Kill Chain and Attack Graphs, Lukáš Sadlek, Pavel Čeleda, Daniel Tovarňák: NOMS 2022 – 2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 25-29 April 2022 | |
HTTPS Event-Flow Correlation: Improving Situational Awareness in Encrypted Web Traffic, Stanislav Špaček, Petr Velan, Pavel Čeleda, Daniel Tovarňák: Network Operations and Management Symposium 2022, 25-29 April 2022 | |
Fault-Enabled Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks on Kyber, Julius Hermelink, Peter Pessl, and Thomas Poeppelmann: 22nd International Conference on Cryptology in India, 13-15 December 2021 | |
Do You Really Like Me? Anycast Latency and Root DNS Popularity, John Heidemann(USC/ISI, USC/Computers) Giovane Moura (SIDN Labs), Wes Hardaker (USC/ISI): DINR 2021 Workshop, 16-17 November 2021 | |
Forecasting the Impact of IXP Outages Using Anycas, Bertholdo, Leandro M and Ceron, Joao M and Granville, Lisandro Z and van Rijswijk-Deij, Roland: In Proceedings of the 2021 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2021), 4 November 2021 | |
Characterization of Anycast Adoption in the DNS Authoritative Infrastructure, Raffaele Sommese, Gautam Akiwate, Mattijs Jonker, Giovane C. M. Moura, Marco Davids, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Stefan Savage, K.C. Claffy, Anna Sperotto: In Proceedings of the 2021 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2021), 4 November 2021 | |
SaCI: a Blockchain-based Cyber Insurance Approach for the Deployment and Management of a Contract Coverage , Muriel Franco, Noah Berni, Eder John Scheid, Bruno Rodrigues, Christian Killer, Burkhard Stiller: 8th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2021), 3 November 2021 | |
tsuNAME: exploiting misconfiguration and vulnerability to DDoS DNS, Giovane Moura, Sebastian Castro, John Heidemann Wes Hardaker: ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2021, 2-4 November 2021 | |
ANYway: Measuring the Amplification DDoS Potential of Domains, Olivier van der Toorn, Johannes Krupp, Mattijs Jonker, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Christian Rossow, Anna Sperotto: In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2021), 14 October 2021 | |
On the Employment of Machine Learning in the Blockchain Selection Process, Eder J. Scheid, Ratanak Hy, Muriel F. Franco, Christian Killer, Burkhard Stiller: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 10 October 2022 | |
SecGrid: A Visual System for the Analysis and ML-Based Classification of Cyberattack Traffic, Muriel Franco, Jan Von der Assen, Luc Boillat, Christian Killer, Bruno Rodrigues, Eder John Scheid, Lisandro Granville, Burkhard Stiller: IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021), 4-7 October 2021 | |
A comparative Study on Cyber Threat Intelligence: The Security Incident Response Perspective, Daniel Schlette, Marco Caselli, Günther Pernul: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 4 October 2021 | |
The Far Side of DNS Amplification: Tracing the DDoS Attack Ecosystem from the Internet Core, Marcin Nawrocki, Mattijs Jonker, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch: In Proceedings of the 2021 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2021), September 2021 | |
A Comprehensive Study of the Bitcoin P2P Network, Jean-Philippe Eisenbarth, Thibault Cholez, Olivier Perrin: 3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services, 27-30 September 2021 | |
Forecasting the Impact of IXP Outages Using Anycast, Leandro M. Bertholdo (Universiteit Twente), João M. Ceron (SIDN Labs), Lisandro Z. Granville (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), Roland van Rijswijk-Deij(NLnet Labs): Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference 2021, September 14-15, 2021 |
Revisiting RPKI Route Origin Validation on the Data Plane,Rodday, N., Cunha, Í., Bush, R., Katz-Bassett, E., Rodosek, G.D., Schmidt, T.C. and Wählisch, M. : In Proc. of Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), IFIP, September 14-15, 2021 | |
On the Deployment of Default Routes in Inter-domain Routing,Rodday, N., Kaltenbach, L., Cunha, I., Bush, R., Katz-Bassett, E., Rodosek, G.D., Schmidt, T.C. and Wählisch, M. : In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop on Technologies, Applications, and Uses of a Responsible Internet (pp. 14-20), August 2021 | |
A Survey on Encrypted Network Traffic Analysis Applications, Techniques, and Countermeasures, Eva Papadogiannaki and Sotiris Ioannidis: ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 54, Issue 6, Article No: 123, pp 1-35, 13 July 2021 | |
Tangled: A cooperative anycast testbed, Bertholdo, Leandro M and Ceron, Joao M and de Vries, Wouter B and de Oliveira Schmidt, Ricardo and Granville, Lisandro Zambenedetti and van Rijswijk-Deij, Roland and Pras, Aiko: In Proceedings of the 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2021), 30 June 2021 | |
Enriching DNS Flows with Host-Based Events to Bypass Future Protocol Encryption, Stanislav Špaček, Daniel Tovarňák, Pavel Čeleda: IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, 22–24 June 2021 |
Publications | |
Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Techniques to Disrupt Attacks in the Cloud (Poster), Salman Manzoor, Antonios Gouglidis, Matthew Bradbury and Neeraj Suri: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 7-11 November 2022 | |
Multi-Layer Threat Analysis of the Cloud (Poster), Salman Manzoor, Antonios Gouglidis, Matthew Bradbury and Neeraj Suri: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 7-11 November 2022 | |
Towards Effective Performance Fuzzing (fast abstract), Yiqun Chen, Matthew Bradbury and Neeraj Suri: International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 31 October – 3 November 2022 | |
SlowCoach: Mutating Code to Simulate Performance Bugs, Yiqun Chen, Oliver Schwahn, Roberto Natella, Matthew Bradbury, Neeraj Suri: International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 31 October – 3 November 2022 | |
HA-Grid: Security Aware Hazard Analysis for Smart Grids, L. Castiglione, Z. Hau, P. Ge, L. Munoz-Gonzalez, K.T. Co, F. Teng, E. C. Lupu: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), 25–28 October 2022 | |
Understanding the confounding factors of inter-domain routing modeling (Poster), Savvas Kastanakis, Vasilios Giotsas and Neeraj Suri: Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 25 – 27 October 2022 | |
A Bayesian Model Combination based approach to Active Malware Analysis, Abhilash Hota, J. Schönwälder: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 27 – 29 July 2022 | |
Assessing the RPKI Validator Ecosystem, Paul Henry Friedemann, Nils Rodday, and Gabi Dreo Rodosek: 2022 IEEE 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 5 -8 July 2022 | |
Fault-Enabled Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks on Kyber, Julius Hermelink, Peter Pessl, and Thomas Poeppelmann: 22nd International Conference on Cryptology in India, 13-15 December 2021 | |
Challenges in Identifying Network Attacks Using Netflow Data, Edward Chuah, Neeraj Suri, Arshad Jhumka and Samantha Alt: IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 23-26 November 2021 | |
PCaaD: Towards automated determination and exploitation of industrial systems, B. Green, R. Derbyshire, M. Krotofil, W. Knowles, D. Prince, N. Suri: Elsevier computers & security, Volume 110, November 2021, | |
SaCI: a Blockchain-based Cyber Insurance Approach for the Deployment and Management of a Contract Coverage , Muriel Franco, Noah Berni, Eder John Scheid, Bruno Rodrigues, Christian Killer, Burkhard Stiller: 8th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2021), 3 November 2021 | |
A comparative Study on Cyber Threat Intelligence: The Security Incident Response Perspective, Daniel Schlette, Marco Caselli, Günther Pernul: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 4 October 2021 | |
Failure Diagnosis for Cluster Systems using Partial Correlations, Edward Chuah, Arshad Jhumka, Samantha Alt, Todd Evans, Neeraj Suri: The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA’21), September 30-October 3 2021 | |
Revisiting RPKI Route Origin Validation on the Data Plane,Rodday, N., Cunha, Í., Bush, R., Katz-Bassett, E., Rodosek, G.D., Schmidt, T.C. and Wählisch, M. : In Proc. of Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), IFIP, September 14-15, 2021 | |
Analyzing the Viability of UAV Missions Facing Cyber Attacks, Jukka Soikkeli, Cora Perner, Emil Lupu: Euro S&P (1st Workshop on Secure and Reliable Communication and Navigation in the Aerospace Domain), 7-11 September 2021 | |
Obfuscation-Resilient Executable Payload Extraction From Packed Malware, Binlin Cheng, Jiang Ming, Erika A. Leal, Haotian Zhang, Jianming Fu, Guojun Peng, Jean-Yves Marion: USENIX Security Symposium, 11 August 2021 | |
On the Deployment of Default Routes in Inter-domain Routing,Rodday, N., Kaltenbach, L., Cunha, I., Bush, R., Katz-Bassett, E., Rodosek, G.D., Schmidt, T.C. and Wählisch, M. : In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop on Technologies, Applications, and Uses of a Responsible Internet (pp. 14-20), August 2021 | |
Fast Kernel Error Propagation Analysis in Virtualized Environments,Nicolas Coppik, Oliver Schwahn and Neeraj Suri:IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2021, 12-16 April 2021 | |
ConFuzzius: A Data Dependency-Aware Hybrid Fuzzer for Smart Contracts, Christof Ferreira Torres, Antonio Ken Iannillo , Arthur Gervais , and Radu State: Euro S&P, 19 March 2021 | |
Binary level toolchain provenance identification with graph neural networks, Tristan Benoit, Jean-Yves Marion, Sébastien Bardin: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 9-12 March 2021 | |
Retrofitting Post-Quantum Cryptography in Internet Protocols: A Case Study of DNSSEC, M. Müller, J. de Jong, M. van Heesch, B. Overeinder & R. van Rijswijk-Deij: ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, October 2020 | |
Clouding up the Internet: how centralized is DNS traffic becoming?Giovane C. M. Moura, Sebastian Castro, Wes Hardaker, Maarten Wullink, Cristian HesselmanProceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Virtual Conference, 27-29 October 2020 | |
O Peer, Where Art Thou? Uncovering Remote Peering Interconnections at IXPs,O Peer, Where Art Thou? Uncovering Remote Peering Interconnections at IXPsVasileios Giotsas, George Nomikos Vasileios Kotronis; Pavlos Sermpezis; Petros Gigis; Lefteris Manassakis; Christoph Dietzel; Stavros Konstantaras; Xenofontas Dimitropoulos: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 23 October 2020 | |
UZH Spotting political social bots in Twitter: A use case of the 2019 Spanish general election, Javier Pastor, Mattia Zago, Pantaleone Nespoli, Sergio López, Alberto Huertas, Manuel Gil, José A. Ruipérez, Gregorio Martínez, Félix Gómez :EEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, October 2020 |
Publications | |
CMSec: A Vulnerability Prevention Tool for Supporting Migrations in Cloud Composite Services, Mohamed Oulaaffart, Rémi Badonnel, Olivier Festor: IEEE CloudNet 2022, 7–10 November 2022 | |
Multi-Dimensional Certification of Modern Distributed Systems, Marco Anisetti, Claudio A. Ardagna, Nicola Bena: IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 29 July 2022 | |
Privacy Guarantees for Cloud-Based State Estimation using Partially Homomorphic Encryption, Sawsan Emad, Amr Alanwar, Yousra Alkabani, M Watheq EL-Kharashi, Henrik Sandberg, Karl H Johansson: European Control Conference (ECC), 12 – 15 July 2022 | |
A Blockchain-based Framework in Support of Privacy Preferences Enforcement for Scientific Workflows : (Invited Paper), Federico Daidone, Barbara Carminati, and Elena Ferrari: IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 11-15 July 2022 | |
Incident Handling for Healthcare Organizations and Supply-Chains, Eftychia Lakka, George Hatzivasilis , Stelios Karagiannis, Andreas Alexopoulos , Manos Athanatos, Sotiris Ioannidis, Manolis Chatzimpyrros, Grigorios Kalogiannis, George Spanoudakis: 2nd IEEE Conference on ICT Solutions for eHealth (ICTS4eHealth) 2022, 30th June – 3rd July 2022 | |
Threat Modelling for 5G networks, Bernardo Santos, Luis Barriga, Bruno Dzogovic, Ismail Hassan, Boning Feng, Niels Jacot, Van Thuan Do, Thanh Van Do: 2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), 30 May – 3 June 2022 | |
Zero-Trust Cybersecurity Approach for Dynamic 5G Network Slicing with Network Service Mesh and Segment-Routing over IPv6, Bruno Dzogovic, Bernardo Santos, Ismail Hassan, Boning Feng, Van Thuan Do, Niels Jacot, Thanh Van Do: 2022 International Conference on Development and Application Systems (DAS), 26-28 May 2022 | |
An Automated SMT- based Security Framework for Supporting Migrations in Cloud Composite Services, Mohamed Oulaaffart, Rémi Badonnel, Christophe Bianco: NOMS 2022 IEEE/IFIP, 25-29 April 2022 | |
A Security Certification Scheme for Information-Centric Networks, Marco Anisetti, Claudio A. Ardagna, Filippo Berto, Ernesto Damiani: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 6 April 2022 | |
Fault-Enabled Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks on Kyber, Julius Hermelink, Peter Pessl, and Thomas Poeppelmann: 22nd International Conference on Cryptology in India, 13-15 December 2021 | |
PAutoBotCatcher: A blockchain-based privacy-preserving botnet detector for Internet of Things, Ahmed Lekssays, Luca Landa, Barbara Carminati, and Elena Ferrari: Computer Networks, Elsevier, Volume 200, 9 December 2021 | |
Securing Runtime Memory via MMU manipulation, Marinos Tsantekidis and Vassilis Prevelakis: 15th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE), 14-18 November 2021 | |
SaCI: a Blockchain-based Cyber Insurance Approach for the Deployment and Management of a Contract Coverage , Muriel Franco, Noah Berni, Eder John Scheid, Bruno Rodrigues, Christian Killer, Burkhard Stiller: 8th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2021), 3 November 2021 | |
A comparative Study on Cyber Threat Intelligence: The Security Incident Response Perspective, Daniel Schlette, Marco Caselli, Günther Pernul: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 4 October 2021 | |
LiMNet: Early-Stage Detection of IoT Botnets with Lightweight Memory Networks, Lodovico Giaretta, Ahmed Lekssays, Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari, and Sarunas Girdzijauskas: The European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 30 September 2021 | |
Anomaly Detection in Cellular IoT with Machine Learning, Bernardo Santos, Imran Qayyrm Khan, Bruno Dzogovic, Boning Feng, Van Thuan Do, Niels Jacot, Thanh Van Do: EAI Goodtechs 2021, 15-17 September 2021 | |
Advanced 5G Network Slicing Isolation Using Enhanced VPN+ for Healthcare Verticals, Bruno Dzogovic, Tariq Mahmood, Bernardo Santos, Boning Feng, Van Thuan Do, Niels Jacot, Thanh Van Do: EAI Goodtechs 2021, 15-17 September 2021 | |
Ageing@home: A Secure 5G Welfare Technology Solution for Elderlies, Boning Feng, Birgitta Langhammer, Van Thuan Do, Niels Jacot, Bernardo Santos, Bruno Dzogovic, Per Jonny Nesse, Thanh van Do: EAI Goodtechs 2021, 15-17 September 2021 | |
Revisiting RPKI Route Origin Validation on the Data Plane,Rodday, N., Cunha, Í., Bush, R., Katz-Bassett, E., Rodosek, G.D., Schmidt, T.C. and Wählisch, M. : In Proc. of Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), IFIP, September 14-15, 2021 | |
Optimizing 5G VPN+ Transport Networks with Vector Packet Processing and FPGA Cryptographic Offloading, Bruno Dzogovic, Bernardo Santos, Boning Feng, Van Thuan Do, Niels Jacot, Thanh Van Do: MobiWIS 2021, 23-25 August 2021 | |
A Secure 5G Eldercare Solution Using Millimeterwave Sensors, Boning Feng, Akihiro Kajiwara, Van Thuan Do, Niels Jacot, Bernardo Santos, Bruno Dzogovic, Thanh Van Do: MobiWIS 2021, 23-25 August 2021 | |
On the Deployment of Default Routes in Inter-domain Routing,Rodday, N., Kaltenbach, L., Cunha, I., Bush, R., Katz-Bassett, E., Rodosek, G.D., Schmidt, T.C. and Wählisch, M. : In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop on Technologies, Applications, and Uses of a Responsible Internet (pp. 14-20), August 2021 | |
Synergy of Blockchain Technology and Data Mining Techniques for Anomaly Detection,Kamišalić A., Kramberger R., Fister I. Jr.:Applied Sciences MDPI, August 2021 | |
MMU-based Access Control for Libraries, Marinos Tsantekidis and Vassilis Prevelakis: 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), 6-8 July 2021 | |
Towards Automating Security Enhancement for Cloud Services, Mohamed Oulaaffart, Remi Badonnel, Olivier Festor: IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Managemen( IFIP/IEEE IM), 17-21 May 2021 |
Publications | |
PriApp-Install: Learning User Privacy Preferences on Mobile Apps’ Installation, Ha Xuan Son, Barbara Carminati, and Elena Ferrari: International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience, 23 – 25 November 2022 | |
A survey on privacy for b5g/6g: New privacy challenges, and research directions, Chamara Sandeepa and Bartlomiej Siniarski and Nicolas Kourtellis and Shen Wang and Madhusanka Liyanage: Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Volume 30, November 2022 | |
Time-Aware Anonymization of Knowledge Graphs, Anh-Tu Hoang, Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 23 September 2022 | |
Bridging the Gap Between Certification and Software Development, Claudio A. Ardagna, Nicola Bena, Ramon Martín de Pozuelo: 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2022),23 – 26 August 2022 | |
A Risk Estimation Mechanism for Android Apps based on Hybrid Analysis, Ha Xuan Son, Barbara Carminati, and Elena Ferrari: Data Science & Engineering, 29 July 2022 | |
Youtubers not madeforkids: Detecting channels sharing inappropriate videos targeting children, Myrsini Gkolemi, Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Evangelos Markatos, and Nicolas Kourtellis: 14th ACM Web Science Conference, 26 – 29 June 2022 | |
Flaas-enabling practical federated learning on mobile environments, Kleomenis Katevas, Diego Perino, and Nicolas Kourtellis: ACM MobiSys, 27 June – 1 July 2022 | |
I call BS: Fraud Detection in Crowdfunding Campaigns, Beatrice Perez, Sara R. Machado, Jerone T. A. Andrews, Nicolas Kourtellis: 14th ACM Web Science Conference, 26 June 2022 | |
I Call BS: Fraud Detection In Crowdfunding Campaigns, Beatrice Perez, Sara R. Machado, Jerone T. A. Andrews, Nicolas Kourtellis: WebSci 2022, 26 – 29 June 2022 | |
Identification of Twitter Bots Based on an Explainable Machine Learning Framework: The US 2020 Elections Case Study, Alexander Shevtsov, Christos Tzagkarakis, Despoina Antonakaki, Sotiris Ioannidis: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2022), 6-9 June 2022 | |
A Unified Graph-Based Approach to Disinformation Detection using Contextual and Semantic Relations, Marius Paraschiv, Nikos Salamanos, Costas Iordanou, Nikolaos Laoutaris, Michael Sirivianos: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2022), 6-9 June 2022 | |
Privacy-preserving ai for future networks, Diego Perino, Kleomenis Katevas, Andra Lutu, Eduard Marin, and Nicolas Kourtellis: Communications of the ACM: Europe Region Hot Topics, April 2022, Vol. 65 No. 4, Pages 52-53 | |
Discovery and Classification of Twitter Bots,Alexander Shevtsov, Maria Oikonomidou, Despoina Antonakaki, Polyvios Pratikakis, Alexandros Kanterakis, Paraskevi Fragopoulou, Sotiris Ioannidis: SN Computer Science, 28 April 2022 | |
Leveraging google’s publisher-specific ids to detect website administration, Emmanouil Papadogiannakis, Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Evangelos P.Markatos and Nicolas Kourtellis: ACM The Web Conference (WWW), 25 – 29 April 2022 | |
Measuring the (over)use of service workers for in-page push advertising purposes, George Pantelakis, Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Nicolas Kourtellis, and Evangelos P Markatos: Passive Active Measurements Conference (PAM), 28-30 March 2022 | |
Flaas – practical federated learning as a service for mobile applications, Kleomenis Katevas, Diego Perino, and Nicolas Kourtellis: ACM HotMobile, 9 -10 March 2022 | |
Extracting New Temporal Features to Improve the Interpretability of Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Prediction Models, Simon Kocbek, Primož Kocbek, Lucija Gosak, Nino Fijačko, Gregor Štiglic: Journal of Personalized Medicine, 28 February 2022 |
Security Perception of IoT Devices in Smart Homes, Lili Nemec Zlatolas, Nataša Feher, Marko Hölbl: Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, 14 February 2022 | |
Models of Privacy and Disclosure on Social Networking Sites: A Systematic Literature Review, Lili Nemec Zlatolas, Luka Hrgarek, Tatjana Welzer, Marko Hölbl: Mathematics 2022, 4 January 2022 | |
Ppfl: Enhancing privacy in federated learning with confidential computing, Fan Mo, Hamed Haddadi, Kleomenis Katevas, Eduard Marin, Diego Perino, and Nico- las Kourtellis: GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, Volume 25, Issue 4, December 2021 | |
Fault-Enabled Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks on Kyber, Julius Hermelink, Peter Pessl, and Thomas Poeppelmann: 22nd International Conference on Cryptology in India, 13-15 December 2021 | |
YourAdvalue: Measuring Advertising Price Dynamics without Bankrupting User Privacy, Michalis Pachilakis, Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Nikolaos Laoutaris, Evangelos Markatos, Nicolas Kourtellis : ACM Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 4 November 2021 | |
Who’s got your mail?: characterizing mail service provider usage, Enze Liu, Gautam Akiwate, Mattijs Jonker, Ariana Mirian, Stefan Savage, Geoffrey M. Voelker: In Proceedings of the 2021 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2021), November 2021 | |
SaCI: a Blockchain-based Cyber Insurance Approach for the Deployment and Management of a Contract Coverage , Muriel Franco, Noah Berni, Eder John Scheid, Bruno Rodrigues, Christian Killer, Burkhard Stiller: 8th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2021), 3 November 2021 | |
Exploring Content Moderation in the Decentralised Web: The Pleroma Case, Anaobi Ishaku Hassan, Aravindh Raman, Ignacio Castro, Haris Bin Zia, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Nishanth Sastry, and Gareth Tyson: ACM CONEXT, 30 October 2021 |