Hardware Security Lab

IFAG, Germany,

85579 Neubiberg,

Am Campeon 1 – 15.


Secure hardware to certify the hardware along ISO/IEC 14508 and EUCC.

Tests capture security level up to CC EAL 4+, 5+ and 6+.

All certified products are public available for example on the home page from BSI (Federal Office for Security in Information Technologies) in Germany. This capture all development facilitation as well as all the production lines and location. 

Note: The lab is in permanent use, because, Infineon is permanent in development of new security hardware, like for debit-card, credit-card, passport, eID-Card, Tachograph-card as well as for embedded security solution, named in literature Secure Element (SE), Hardware Security Module (HSM), Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and similar, as used in infrastructure such as Telematic Infrastructure (e.g. in terminal, connector), Toll Collect (on-board-units in vehicle and bridges over highways) and self-service kiosks in municipalities

A tour of the lab needs round 2 hours. If the discussion is long, the time window can expand up to 3 hours. Along this lab tour many physical, electrical, optical and hybrid attacks and secure hardware can be shown and demonstrated.

The maximum number of visitors would be limited by 5 persons, because the lab has a lot of equipment.

The minimum lead time for a booking of a new visitor tour would be 2 weeks.

Skill training for professionals up to several weeks


Infineon Technologies AG
