Rémi Badonnel
Short Bio
Rémi Badonnel is Professor of Computer Science with the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School, University of Lorraine, France. He is a Permanent Research Staff Member with the RESIST Team, LORIA – INRIA Nancy Grand Est, France. He worked on change management methods and algorithms for data centers with IBM T. J. Watson, USA and on autonomous smart systems with the University College of Oslo, Norway. His research interests are mainly focused on network and service management, cyber-security and defense techniques, automation and orchestrated chaining of services, cloud infrastructures, and Internet of Things. He has been recently elected as the Chair of the IFIP TC6 Working Group 6.6 dedicated to the management of networks and distributed systems.
As the Head of the Cyber-security Specialization at the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School, Rémi Badonnel is working on the building of cyber-security courses and on the development of exercises for cyber-range platforms. In particular, he is interested in structuring and developing exercises around the cyber kill-chains (such as simulated APT1 attacks), from the reconnaissance phase to the exfiltration of data, as well as in looking at different defense strategies for preventing and detecting these attacks at an early stage. From a research perspective, he is working on the elaboration of new automated configuration methods for continuously protecting composite services over time, such as during the migration of resources using endogeneous (configuration hardening) and exogeneous techniques (security chains).